Saturday, February 14, 2009

#285 Silver and Gold

I tried many techniques to give this combination of silver and gold its best looks. I finally used a smoked glass panel held over a dark bucket in diffused sunlight,(cloudy sky). The silver charm bracelet I got when I was 18 years old and it holds many symbols of my life. The big gold coin, gold chain and charm I found at a yardsale. It cost me less than a dollar. It is a $100.00 gold coin. Guess that is why I "yardsale"! :)


  1. Beautiful jewelry--All of your work setting up the shot was worth it, because the pic looks super.

  2. Lucky as well as talented, great treatment of this theme.

  3. Very cool bracelet, love all of the chamrs (I too, have collected these over time)! NICE!

  4. Very nice! I love hearing of your attempts to get it right. You certainly did!

  5. Wow - I'm impressed by the very creative setup you did to get this photo. Nice catch at the yard sale - and with the camera.

  6. Beautiful result here, Debbie! The light is really nice.

    My daughter has her grandma's silver charm bracelet and it is such a wonderful keepsake.
